Taste yourself again
taste my reality
The principle of wrong metaphysics, i. e. the underside of unreality.
"Somehow some approximate order emerges from this quantum chaos, but at a fundamental level there is no determinism in the world"
living the best life
Cleaning my mind
my everyday magic walk around the block
Three apples left
I felt this task to be quite a challenge. Even though I'm used to perform in front of strangers all the time, to transgress into private space out of the context of the mutual agreement of a set performance, without a specific audience or even direction, somehow made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I a way, this observation struck me, made me feel much more vulnerable in my artistic souvereinty than I consider myself to be. While I was pondering around a concept for an approach, out of a sudden this totally random person walked straight towards me and demanded a fist bump, without any further explanation, nor basically any contextualizing communication or interaction at all. A performative act, yes, so easy and universal, yet embracing each other’s private sphere and creating a deeply connective aura for just a moment. This encounter made me learn so much.